Spray Paint Signs
There has been a lot of spray paint around here lately. And I’m not talking about DIY furniture projects. Can you guess what’s up?My long-awaited home addition is actually going to happen. I am so excited! Excuse the lame photos of utility company markings. It’s all I’ve got to show at the moment. That and the middle photo above which is what our contractor sprayed on our lawn to mark where the new construction will be. I actually went out there after he was gone and used my own spray paint to mark out where some of the interior walls will be so I could get a true sense of the space. Here’s the plan:
We are taking the bedroom at the back of the house and adding 21 feet to create a master suite. This has been my vision since we bought the house 5 1/2 years ago. I can’t wait to see it all come together! I’ve got my work cut out for me – tile and bath fixtures and lighting and textiles and on and on. I’ll be posting about it all here. Hopefully soon I will have more to show than spray paint.